josefsinlimbo's personal site

This is my Random page, where I'll just put things like pictures I've taken, things I've wrote, places I've gone, almost like a blog but less blog-y

January 18, 2025

I'm hoping to get Aperta Aqua EP3 out by Valentines Day, been experimenting a lot with droning strings with my E-bow and an acoustic guitar or my starcaster. Neat sound can be made by putting a noise gate on a mic before running into some kind of pitch shift and moving the subject around to induce some glitchy clipping. I've used this in some demos I've recorded with the aforementioned guitar droning. Reminds me a bit of the outro for A Hairdryer by The Smile... or Ed's weird stuff on In Limbo by Radiohead

January 20, 2025

Watching the inauguration now, dark times are upon us. What a shitshow, man.

January 25, 2025

Was recording an idea I had with strange delays and reverbs, accidentally left the auto-tuner on, on one of the tracks. Created this really gut wrenching and uncomfortable sound. Here's the stem!

January 25, 2025

Released my first solo EP today, recording took place intermittently since a little before the new year. All the things I do I record in my own bedroom and mix on my computer. I haven't got a producer or any professional equipment, just my portable amp, software and a microphone. The only intrument used on any of the tracks are guitars, I haven't got much else after all, but I like to believe I made the most out of what I want with this particular sound. The fourth track uses that stem I mentioned, though quiet ;-); It is also the only track to actually not use the Ebow I bought. It was really inspired a lot by True Love Tape Loop, and if I had some synthesizers, It probably would have been more similar.

Here's a neat piece of trivia, the album cover was just a photo I took of the jacket potato I was eating while mixing 'Gone Soft Now?' I ate it right after I finalized the uploads.

Aperta Aqua EP3 is still set for Valentine's Day but progress has been slow, not much musical inspiration, I guess we're holding out for a sudden idea like what when we did The Phrases.